18-08-2022 10:14
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World Congress Agenda


Tuesday, 8 July 2025

Welcome Reception

Wednesday, 9 July 2025

ICSB World Congress 2025: Small business together – a big force for a sustainable future

Thursday, 10 July 2025

ICSB World Congress 2025: Small business together – a big force for a sustainable future

05:00 PM

Welcome Reception | Overseas Passenger Terminal

Welcome reception to be held at the Overseas Passenger Terminal on Sydney Harbour. Join us for the opportunity to mix and exchange ideas and experiences with local students, who will provide an insiders guide to their favourite Sydney locations.
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM


Registration opens with welcome tea and coffee
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Welcoming and Opening Address

Welcome speeches and opening remarks – Chair, President & CEO, Incoming Chair/ Host

Welcome to Country ceremony, acknowledging the traditional custodians of the land.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The Role Of Government Is Critical In Supporting Small And Medium Enterprises In A Sustainable Future

Federal Ministers for Small Business and the Environment have been invited and attendance is pending the Federal election.
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Morning Tea and Networking

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Closing The Loop: Transforming Waste Into Wealth For A Sustainable Future By Embracing Circularity In Business And Society

The Australian Government has committed to achieving a circular economy by 2030. This panel will discuss how we overcome the economic and regulatory barriers so that we can realise the opportunities for business and regional development. Hear from the Productivity Commission and its inquiry into the circular economy.
Joanne Chong
Joanne Chong
Commissioner (Environment), Productivity Commission
Professor Ruben Ascua
Professor Ruben Ascua
Rector, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela
Michael Davison
Michael Davison
General Manager Advocacy and Emerging Policy, Institute of Public Accountants
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Lunch and Networking

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Microrecycling and the Circular Economy: Empowering Small Businesses to Transform Waste into Value.

Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla AO
Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla AO
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Small Business Success: Collaboration Is The Key

Collaboration is at the heart of small business success, and the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) is excited to moderate the panel "Small Business Success: Collaboration is the Key." In 2024, COSBOA and our panellists’ organisations produced key research reports on the critical factors shaping small business – from innovative payment solutions and financial stability to energy efficiency. This session will explore the findings and practical strategies that are driving real change for small businesses. As the peak body for small businesses across Australia, COSBOA is excited to lead this important conversation.
Luke Achterstraat
Luke Achterstraat
Shaun Stevens
Shaun Stevens
General Manager Small Business NSW/ACT, Commonwealth Bank
Marco Lamantia
Marco Lamantia
Executive Director, Square Australia
Brendan French
Brendan French
CEO, Energy Consumers Australia
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Afternoon Tea and Networking

03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Funding The Green Transition: Practical Financing Solutions For Sustainable Business

This panel will explore the latest trends in responsible financing and investment, with a focus on innovative funding mechanisms, investment strategies and financial tools and products that empower and enable businesses to adopt sustainable practices. It will also discuss whether financial institutions are ready to assist businesses to make the green transition and take advantage of future opportunities.

Panellists to be announced
04:30 PM - 04:45 PM

Closing Remarks For Day 1

Key takeaways from Day 1 and a preview of Day 2, highlighting the importance of small businesses in driving a sustainable future.
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Pre-Dinner Drinks and Canapes, Hyatt Regency

Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and network with fellow attendees at the Hyatt Regency.
07:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Gala Dinner, Hyatt Regency

Celebrate the first day of the Congress with a memorable evening at the Hyatt Regency.
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM


Welcome tea and coffee
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

To Be Announced

Dr Len Humphreys is an entrepreneur, innovator and veteran of the science, technology, and clean energy industries, with many award winning eco-technology start ups. Len has pioneered low-carbon technology solutions and renewable energy in Australia and internationally for over 35 years. He is the Co-founder of Licella Holdings, global leaders in Hydrothermal Liquefaction using Licella’s pioneering Catalytic Hydrothermal Reactor (Cat-HTR™) technology. Len is the inventor of several patents, with Licella’s technology being used in biomass to advanced bio-fuels in some of the world’s leading projects and facilities. It's advanced recycling platform is a circular solution for problem plastic, with further innovations in battery technology being used around the world.
Dr Len Humphreys
Dr Len Humphreys
Executive Chairman and Co-founder, Licella Holdings
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Morning Tea and Networking

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship In Australia: Lessons From Those Who Do It Better

This panel will explore strategies to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in Australia, drawing lessons from countries with high entrepreneurial activity including Switzerland and the US. The discussion will address the challenges faced by Australian entrepreneurs, including the high failure rate of startups, and explore ways to foster a more supportive environment for innovation and risk-taking.
Ki-Chan Kim
Ki-Chan Kim
Professor of management, Catholic University of Korea
Rico J. Baldegger
Rico J. Baldegger
Professor, Sawyer Business School, Suffolk University & President Swiss Sustainability Foundation
Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy
Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy
Deputy chair of the Department of Management and teaching professor of management, George Washington University School of Business
Michael McDonald
Michael McDonald
Founder & Managing Director, mdp Law
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Sleepwalking into a big corporate economy: Reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit in Australia

Drawing on the ASBFEO's report "Energising enterprise: 14 Steps to Boost Australia's Small and Family Businesses," this address will examine the shrinking small business sector in Australia. The Hon Bruce Billson will discuss the concerning trend of declining small business contributions to GDP and employment, and the challenges faced by small businesses, including profitability. He will offer insights into reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit and fostering a thriving small business ecosystem.
The Hon Bruce Billson
The Hon Bruce Billson
Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) and former Cabinet Minister for Small Business
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM

Innovating for Earth: How Space Technology Can Drive Sustainable Entrepreneurship

James Palmer
James Palmer
Founder and CEO, Space Centre Australia
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

Lunch and Networking

02:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Sustainability In Start Ups – A Case Study From Germany

This session will look at new forms of start ups, debunking some of the myths around rapid growth. Instead, the concept of sustainability in start ups is worth considering. One example is family businesses which can be established as start ups with a focus on long term impact, team cohesion and sustainability, rather than just quick growth. Our speaker offers a case study with valuable insights into a successful German start up.
Falk Appold
Falk Appold
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, Spaca Group
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Afternoon Tea and Networking

03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Innovative Tech Solutions For Sustainable Business Practices

This panel will explore the transformative potential of technology, focusing on how small businesses can leverage innovation in products and services in implementing sustainable practices to support productivity, profits and purpose.

More panellists to be announced.
Nick Kamper
Nick Kamper
Founder and CEO, Purpose Bureau
04:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Closing Remarks, Future Directions and Farewell from the 69th ICSB World Congress

Reflect on the key outcomes of the Congress, thank participants, and outline next steps for continued engagement on the themes discussed.

Please note: times, topics and events may be subject to change depending on availability and unforeseen factors.